Course Outline

Forecasting with R

  • Introduction to Forecasting
  • Exponential Smoothing
  • ARIMA models
  • The forecast package

Package 'forecast'

  • accuracy
  • Acf
  • arfima
  • Arima
  • arima.errors
  • auto.arima
  • bats
  • BoxCox
  • BoxCox.lambda
  • croston
  • CV
  • dm.test
  • dshw
  • ets
  • fitted.Arima
  • forecast
  • forecast.Arima
  • forecast.bats
  • forecast.ets
  • forecast.HoltWinters
  • forecast.lm
  • forecast.stl
  • forecast.StructTS
  • gas
  • gold
  • logLik.ets
  • ma
  • meanf
  • monthdays
  • msts
  • na.interp
  • naive
  • ndiffs
  • nnetar
  • plot.bats
  • plot.ets
  • plot.forecast
  • rwf
  • seasadj
  • seasonaldummy
  • seasonplot
  • ses
  • simulate.ets
  • sindexf
  • splinef
  • subset.ts
  • taylor
  • tbats
  • thetaf
  • tsdisplay
  • tslm
  • wineind
  • woolyrnq


Basic general maths and statistics skills

Programming in any languages recommended but not necessary

 14 Hours

Testimonials (4)

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