Course Outline


Overview of Microsoft Azure

  • Understanding Azure Services and Concepts
  • Overview of the Azure Portal
  • Overview of Azure SDKs and Tools

Overview of Azure Cloud Services

Overview of Azure Networking

Overview of Azure Storage

Installing the SDK

Building Cloud Solutions with Azure

Using the Cloud Emulator

Deploying Your Application on Azure

  • Using the Azure Management Portal
  • Setting Up to Publish from Visual Studio

Using the Azure Storage

  • Using the Storage Emulator
  • Using the Storage Client API
  • Using Tables
  • Using Queues in Sending Messages
  • Understanding Blob Storage

Working with the Azure SQL Database

  • Overview of SQL Azure
  • Preparing Databases
  • Adding Provider Support for ASP.NET
  • Utilizing Entity Framework

Using the Cache

Using the Service Bus

Using Access Control


Closing Remarks


  • A basic understanding of cloud computing
 7 Hours

Testimonials (5)