Course Outline

* What is Rust?
* Rust vs other programming languages
* Overview of Rust features and architecture
Understanding Rust
* The lifecycle of a Rust program
* How Rust works at a systems level
* Memory safety and ownership in Rust
Getting Started
* Setting up the Development Environment
* Installing Rust as a programming toolchain
* Configuring the Rust environment
* Exploring Cargo package manager
Basic Syntax and Concepts
* Variables and data types in Rust
* Control flow and loops
* Functions and modules
* Ownership and borrowing in Rust
Error Handling and Panic
* Handling errors with Result and Option types
* Unwinding vs aborting with panic!
* Custom error types and error handling strategies
Memory Management in Rust
* Stack vs heap memory allocation
* Pointers and references in Rust
* Managing memory with Box and unsafe blocks
Structs and Enums in Systems Programming
* Defining and working with structs
* Creating and using enums
* Pattern matching in Rust
Asynchronous Programming with Async/Await
* Introduction to asynchronous programming in Rust
* Working with async/await syntax
* Composing futures and working with async libraries
* Exploring the async ecosystem and libraries
Traits and Generics
* Advanced trait usage and associated types
* Implementing generic functions, structs, and enums
* Bounds and trait objects
* Exploring trait coherence and orphan rules
Advanced Error Handling
* Creating custom error types
* Advanced error handling techniques: try!, ? operator, custom error chains
* Error handling strategies and patterns
* Procedural macros: attribute and function-like macros
* Declarative macros: macro_rules! and the match-like syntax
* Advanced macro usage and metaprogramming
Performance Optimization
* Profiling and benchmarking Rust code
* Identifying performance bottlenecks
* Optimization techniques: data structures, algorithms, and compiler flags
* Writing high-performance Rust code
Unsafe Rust
* Understanding unsafe blocks and unsafe functions
* Working with raw pointers and mutable aliasing
* Safe abstractions around unsafe code
Web Development with Rust
* Overview of web development in Rust
* Exploring Rust web frameworks: Rocket, Actix, Warp, etc.
* Interacting with databases
* Deployment options and considerations

 28 Hours

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