Course Outline

Introduction to Threat Intelligence

  • Understanding Intelligence
  • Understanding Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Overview of Threat Intelligence Lifecycle and Frameworks

Cyber Threats and Kill Chain Methodology

  • Understanding Cyber Threats
  • Understanding Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
  • Understanding Cyber Kill Chain
  • Understanding Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)

Requirements, Planning, Direction, and Review

  • Understanding Organization’s Current Threat Landscape
  • Understanding Requirements Analysis
  • Planning Threat Intelligence Program
  • Establishing Management Support
  • Building a Threat Intelligence Team
  • Overview of Threat Intelligence Sharing
  • Reviewing Threat Intelligence Program

Data Collection and Processing

  • Overview of Threat Intelligence Data Collection
  • Overview of Threat Intelligence Collection Management
  • Overview of Threat Intelligence Feeds and Sources
  • Understanding Threat Intelligence Data Collection and Acquisition
  • Understanding Bulk Data Collection
  • Understanding Data Processing and Exploitation

Data Analysis

  • Overview of Data Analysis
  • Understanding Data Analysis Techniques
  • Overview of Threat Analysis
  • Understanding Threat Analysis Process
  • Overview of Fine-Tuning Threat Analysis
  • Understanding Threat Intelligence Evaluation
  • Creating Runbooks and Knowledge Base
  • Overview of Threat Intelligence Tools

Intelligence Reporting and Dissemination

  • Overview of Threat Intelligence Reports
  • Introduction to Dissemination
  • Participating in Sharing Relationships
  • Overview of Sharing Threat Intelligence
  • Overview of Delivery Mechanisms
  • Understanding Threat Intelligence Sharing Platforms
  • Overview of Intelligence Sharing Acts and Regulations
  • Overview of Threat Intelligence Integration




 21 Hours

Testimonials (1)

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